You need to go to the email you received after placing an order, then click on the link you received that says “Manage Subscription" Click here. From there, you will be able to add your products, change the delivery date, the order frequency, your billing info or even cancel your subscription. 

Alternatively, you can also go to your Swiss Toniq account by logging in using your username and password Click here, then click on “Manage Subscription » Click here then follow the same steps as explained above. 

Once you are on the Manage Subscription page, click on the "Reschedule" button on the right panel.
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Or click on the "Schedules" tab. You will see on this page the scheduled orders for your subscription. 
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After clicking on the "Reschedule", you can select your preferred delivery date and your recurring delivery date will be changed according to your order frequency.

Should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. Thank you