Yes! We recommend to merge your subscriptions into one so you'll qualify for the free shipping + free gifts!

Here's what happens if we merge your subscriptions:
  • Your subscription will be easier to manage
  • Your products will arrive all together at the same time (same order date & order frequency)
  • And if the total amount is over 165 chf you will receive 3 free gifts PLUS free shipping with every delivery
For orders above 165chf, we offer free shipping + one set of free 3 mystery gifts 
For orders above 195chf, we offer free shipping + one set of free 3 mystery gifts + free product

Please note: Free gifts are subject to availability and may change without prior notice. We reserve the right to substitute gifts based on stock levels and availability. Thank you for your understanding!

If you'd like to continue and merge your subscriptions, please email us at and we'll be happy to assist you!